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When to use?

When it becomes difficult to control and extend the initializing logic of the application (global styles/initialization of external libraries/routing/SSR)



There are usually placed:

  • initialization of processes and other background logic
  • initialization of providers, wrappers
  • connecting global application styles

The methodology does not yet regulate the content of this layer in any way, so it depends on the specific project


Initializing the routerโ€‹

export const withRouter = (component: Component) => () => (
<Suspense fallback={<Spin overlay />}>
<QueryParamProvider ReactRouterRoute={Route}>

Initializing external librariesโ€‹

export const withAntd = (component: Component) => () => (
<ConfigProvider getPopupContainer={...}>
const client = new ApolloClient({ ... });

export const withApollo = (component: Component) => () => (
<ApolloProvider client={client}>

Enabling initializationโ€‹

Only one of the methods is shown here, if you use HOC for providers and logic initialization

import compose from "compose-function";
import { withRouter } from "./with-router";
import { withAntd } from "./with-antd";

// 1. The compose library is often exported from some dependencies that you already use
// e.g.: `import { compose } from "redux"`
// 2. It is worth considering the order of HOCs connection
// e.g.: withHOC2 cannot be started until there is a wrapper withHOC1, etc.
export const withProviders = compose(withRouter, withAntd,...);
import { withProviders } from "./providers";

const App = () => { ... }

export default withProviders(App);